Posts tagged “obsidian”
7 posts

How I Add the Weather to My Obsidian Daily Note
Use iOS (or macOS) Shortcuts to add the day's weather for my location to my Obsidian Daily Note.

How I Use iOS Shortcuts to Add Today's Local Weather to My Obsidian Daily Note
Use iOS (or macOS) Shortcuts to add the day's weather for my location to my Obsidian Daily Note.

Automating My Obsidian Daily Note
How I use iOS Shortcuts to automatically create and populate my daily note.

How I Import My Meetings Into My Obsidian Daily Note
How I automate importing my Obsidian daily note's meeting schedule from my Outlook calendar events.

How I View My Latest Readwise Highlights in My Obsidian Daily Note
I created an Obsidian Dataview query to view my latest Readwise highlights daily.

First Look at the Official Readwise Obsidian Plugin
A rundown of the official Obsidian plugin from Readwise