Deploy your Gatsby.js Site to AWS S3

Deploy your Gatsby.js site to AWS S3 and clear CloudFront cache with one simple command.

yarn run deploy

First, let's get our AWS components we need for this set up.

Set Up AWS S3 Bucket

Set up a new S3 Bucket and make sure you mark the bucket for hosting a website in it's properties.

AWS S3 Bucket Screenshot

Set Up AWS CloudFront

Add index.html as the default root object.

Set the alternate CNAME to your domain ( in my case)

AWS CNAME Screenshot

Important: Use the actual domain name of the S3 bucket so it resolves to index.html. This will avoid errors when a visitor accesses one of your pages directly without loading the home page first.

AWS Domain Name Screenshot

Get domain name for...

Set Up DNS

Set up a CNAME record to point point to the CloudFront domain name. In my case, I am using AWS Route 53.

AWS CName Screenshot

Now that our AWS components are ready, let's go into our Gatsby.js project and make the additions we need to get this rolling.

Add AWS-Deploy

We're going to add a couple of components to our webpack build. and aws-cloudfront-invalidate.

From the command line in the root of your Gatsby.js project, run the following:

yarn add s3-deploy

yarn add aws-cloudfront-invalidate

Update package.json

Now, let's add the commands we need so we can deploy from the command line.

Add the following properties to the scripts object in your package.json

    "deploy": "gatsby build --prefix-paths && s3-deploy './public/**' --cwd './public/' --bucket [your bucket name]  --deleteRemoved --gzip && npm run clear",
    "clear": "aws-cloudfront-invalidate [your CloudFront Distribution ID]"

That's It

Run yarn run deploy and you should see your site build and deploy, then a cache clear sent to CloudFront. When that is complete, you should see your latest code live.